In January, the library added a new club celebrating the creative power of Legos. Thanks to a generous donation of Legos, this club was an exciting possibility for Rostraver Library. In January, a room packed full of children and parents made this club a reality.
Each week, Kelly plans a “Challenge” to inspire the Lego creators. The monthly challenge could be many things like “A Living Creature” or “Something That Flies.” In the hour and a half meeting, the builders get to work translating their visions into physical masterpieces. Some of them stray from the challenge and others find ways to stretch the possibilities of the category. No matter what, we always end up with vastly different creations built with care and excitement.
After the Lego Club meeting ends, the creations are arranged in a display at the library. This display is always a favorite among browsing patrons as the colorful structures easily capture the eye. Lego Club members love to find their work among the display throughout the month, sharing it with their family or whoever is visiting the library with them at the time.
The Lego Club always meets on the 2nd Monday of every month at 5:00 PM. No registration is required. If the meeting is cancelled for any reason, it will be made clear on our website, Facebook page, and other social media accounts.
The atmosphere of Lego club is relaxed and encouraging for the builders. Participants may stay the entire time or come and go as time allows. The Lego Club welcomes ALL new members, no matter the age or skill. Join in the fun of turning pieces into stories, scenes, and characters.
Thank you for your interest in our programs and continued support!